Childcare is available starting at 6 weeks old. You will pay for and schedule childcare on FitDegree, just as you do for class. (Click here to get a peek into our studio and Exhale Kids area.)
PRICING OPTIONS: $5 per drop-in visit if you choose the time slot you want on the regular class schedule, or get the recurring membership and unlimited visits for just $20 (find it under memberships in Fitdegree.)
There are a limited number of spots for childcare, so the same 1 hour cancellation policy applies for childcare. We will close signup for childcare 1 hour prior to class. If no one is on the schedule 1 hour prior, childcare will be canceled. So make sure to reserve your spot to guarantee an Exhale Kids worker will be there.
We ask that you do not bring food for your littles so that we can avoid issues with food allergies.
If your child has had a fever within 24 hours of class please keep them home. If your child has a runny nose and a cough, it's probably best you keep your little one home.