We use FITDEGREE for class booking.

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BarreAmped Foundations

This is the perfect class to learn the basics of barre. No matter your skill level, you will get a great full body workout!

BarreAmped Advanced Foundations

Advanced Foundations is much like BarreAmped Foundations but with advanced options being the standard. A minimum of 15 (specifically) Foundations classes required before Advanced in order to learn the fundamentals and know how to scale to an appropriate challenge for the individual.

BarreAmped Bounce

A Foundations class done on JumpSport rebounders. Gentle bouncing done in between barre sets is about 60% less impact on the joints than anything done on the floor, but it’s an excellent way to help maintain or even build bone mass.


BarreAmped PowerStretch 

 Are you working or are you stretching? Flow from barre work into a stretch and back into the work. You will leave feeling both sufficiently worked and blissfully stretched.

BarreAmped Bandsculpt

 A mixed-level barre class utilizing resistance bands to add a unique element of challenge to classic barre exercises. Whether for added resistance or stability, loop bands and long bands add functional training to your class.

Active / Active Restore Stretch

All skill levels will find both strengthening work with balance holds as well as deep stretching holds. *Active Restore will include more time in restorative holds.


Whether its core, upper body or lower body, this class use physics to optimize the load on the muscles. Work is done at optimal set up for the joints and ranges of motion for the muscles.


Cardio Dance

A fun and sneaky way to get your cardio in for the week. Choreography is repeated in a rotation giving you plenty of time to get comfortable with the dances. *Clean sneakers are recommended for this class.


Short Circuits

While this class lean toward high intensity, both the strength and cardio intervals are perfectly scalable to any fitness level. *Clean sneakers are recommended for this class.


BarreAmped Cardio Barre

A great way to ease into adding more cardio to your routine. We simply add some gentle, low intensity, low impact cardio intervals to our Foundations barre work.


BarreAmped Tabata

A quick 30 minute class combining barre work with high intensity cardio intervals.


BarreAmped Fire

Deeper ranges of motion, longer holds and more advanced options make up a fun and possibly addicting Fire class. *It is recommended you have taken at least 10 Foundations classes to build a solid barre foundation before trying Fire.